2022 Winter Olympics: Beijing Fully Prepared

The government is reported to have put in place mechanisms to ensure health safety especially limiting the spread of Covid-19, as well as measures to guarantee mobility.

Beijing, the capital of China, is reported to be fully prepared for the upcoming 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, which begin on February 4 and end on March 13, 2022. With health being a major priority, reports state that the Chinese government has set up 88 medical stations for on-site medical treatment and triage to ensure the safety of athletes and staff members. To see that the health platforms are effectively managed to meet up with the challenges occasioned by a sporting event of such magnitude, medical staff members are reported to have received training in Olympic knowledge, English and skiing skills.
Given that the competition will be ongoing within the Covid-19 health context, special measures have been taken. It is reported that a closed-loop management system officially went into operation from January 23 for Covid-19 prevention. Games-related personnel, reports add, are required to undergo daily virus testing and are strictly limited to a few fixed venues with no access to the outside world. Tickets, it is said, will not be sold to the public and groups of spectators will be invited on site.
As for what concerns mobility, sources say Beijing has set ...



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