Cinéma : Seehofer Roland, à la conquête de l’Afrique

Depuis le 2 juin dernier, l’acteur camerounais, Seehofer Roland fait partie des têtes d’affiche de « Half Heaven » d’Enah Johnscott (le réalisateur de « The Fisherman's Diary »). C’est un nom bien connu en Afrique du sud, pays où il est établi depuis des années. Il y a d’ailleurs joué dans de nombreux films et séries qui ont connu du succès à la télévision nationale sud-africaine et sur Netflix, le géant du streaming. Sa frimousse a été aperçue dans des productions populaires telles que « La Reine » et « Kings Of Joburg », aux côtés des superstars Connie et Shona Ferguson, connus du grand public pour leurs personnages Harriet Khoza et Jerry Maake, dans la série « La reine », diffusée sur Canal+. En séjour au Cameroun pour la sortie de « Half Heaven », Seehofer Roland a accordé une interview exclusive à CT. L’acteur, réalisateur et scénariste revient sur sa carrière, les difficultés qu’il a rencontrées pour s’intégrer dans l’industrie du cinéma sud-africain, ainsi que ses collaborations. 

You are on tour in Africa for the release of the film “Half Heaven” in which you play one of the leading roles. How did the public react to the movie?
 It is wonderful. We least expected that people would come out like that when we talk about cinema. The turnout in Yaounde and Douala is huge. We are so happy about it. I also enjoyed the crazy role of the young pastor who is a legalistic character. He created his own world to live inside, condemning people. But the unfortunate thing is when he was sent to a very dreaded community full of all kinds of people (bandits, rapists). There, he met a lady called Bisona who rescues him and teaches him what the gospel is all about and who God is, something that he thought he was teaching people. Before he left that community, he became a changed human being. 

Before “Half Heaven” you played in several other movies and series in Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa where you are actually leaving. How has the journey been so far?
I never dreamt of becoming an actor. In 2000, I met a man called Father U in a seminar that has nothing to do with cinema. I stood up during the seminar to ask a question and Father U heard my voice and came up to me and told me that he liked my voice and he could use that voice for something great. So he invited me to his drama group and gave me a voluminous script. My first time of performing was at the congress hall in Bamenda. It was filled to brim and I believe that it was God who helped me to face the crowd. Then I did drama for five years and my ever first role in a film was “Black vampire”. The game changer was in 2014 when I got an award for a movie that I have written. I have played in several films and series like “Bad Angel”, “Apple for Two”, “Samba” but the most wonderful role was for “Rhythm City” in South Africa. It was a shock for me. I grew up watching the series and for me to be ...



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