Illegal Logging: New Monitoring Mechanism Checkmates Ugly Trend

Developped by “Forêts et Développement Rural,” FODER association in 2015, the results of the Standardized National System for Independent External Monitoring, SNOIE, were presented to the media in Yaounde on August 4, 2023.

The press conference focused on the project, “Promoting transparency in the Cameroon forestry sector by popularizing the Open Timber Portal and implementing independent monitoring,” OPT-OI-CAM. It was organized by “Forêts et Développement Rural,” FODER association and partners to present the results and positive impact of Independent Monitoring of the OPT-OI-CAM project carried out under the Standardized National System for Independent Monitoring, SNOIE

Dividends Of External Monitoring 
Moderating the press conference was FODER Coordinator, Justin Kamga. He disclosed that in 2023, FODER received several replies from the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife, MINFOF. As well as sanctions against logging companies following seven SNOIE OIE missions carried out by the civil society between December 2022 and July 2023 - whose reports were sent to MINFOF. 

MINFOF’s Listening Ear
From 2017-2022, a total of 76 monitoring mission reports on alleged illegal logging were lodged with MINFOF. Some 16 of the complaints concerned the Centre Region, 20 the South Region, 7 the Littoral Region and 33 the East Region. Several of these complaints received favourable responses from MINFOF after verification and sanctioning of the concerned logging companies. According to Justin Kamga, this shows that MINFOF has a listening ear to the fight for enhanced forest governance. Which boosts State revenue, ensures sustainable forest management and improved livelihoods for local people.   

Civil Society Organizations Join Together 
SNOIE brings together a civil society organizations including PAPEL (Upper Nyong Division, East Region), CeDLA (Ocean Division, South Region), ECODEV (Mbam and Kim Division, Centre Region), CADDE (Mvila Division, South Region), SUHE (Sanaga Maritime Division, Littoral Region) and TI-C, which previously trained in the procedures of the system. PAPEL, CADDE, CEDLA, SUHE and ECODEV carry out Independent External Monitoring activities in their areas of intervention. While TI-C does post-disclosure follow-up once the reports have been sent to the authorities.

Sustainable Forest Management 
Since 2002, “Forêts et Développement Rural” has set itself the task of creating a framework conducive for sustainable development through actions aimed at guaranteeing justice and equity, rights and democracy. Transparent, participatory and sustainable management of natural resources, the preservation of biological diversity and the i...



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