Mamfe : Egbekaw Massacred Victims Buried

In a public funeral in Mamfe, South West Regional Governor conveyed the State’s condolences to the bereaved families.


It was a pathetic sight at the Mamfe ceremonial ground on Thursday December 14, 2023, as victims of armed terrorist activities brutally murdered on November 6, 2023 in Egbekaw village near Mamfe town were laid for a public funeral. Family members, well-wishers and community members were inconsolable. Statistics presented by the State showed that 26 people were murdered and 12 houses burnt down to ashes. Given the degree of burn some corpses sustained, 14 of such remains were buried on the same day of the barbaric incident.

South West Regional Governor, Bernard Okalia Bilai, who presided at the homage-paying event of the remaining 12 corpses, conveyed the compassion and condolences of the State to the bereaved families. He said the tragic assassination of 26 innocent civilians in their sleep is the greatest illustration that armed terrorists have no friends, make no distinction between brothers, sisters, parents and enemies. As such, he exhorted all present to take the commitment of denouncing the terrorists. He said it is the best way for the population to contribute in the fight against terrorism in their communities. “Let us say no to hiding or protecting of terrorists. Indeed, as you can see, if you hide them today, you may be their victim tomorrow,” the Governor told the population.

The Mayor of Mamfe, Robertson Tabenchong Ashu, gave more reasons to his population why they must collaborate with the defence and security forces so as to have total serenity. Painfully, he recounted inhumane activities in Manyu committed by armed separatists. On April 28, 2023, six vehicles were burnt at the Mile II Bus Station Mamfe leaving three people dead, the arson at Mamfe District Hospital, the kidnapping of Reve...



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