Essiakou Elhadj Saliou : A Heart For Behaviour Change Communication
- By Kimeng Hilton
- 21 mars 2024 13:43

The former Regional Delegate for Communication for North now runs a community radio, Derke’en FM in Ngong, Benue Division in the North Region.
He is where he believes - so strongly - he should be. For, his passion for it had always been there. Especially when he made up his mind to choose the profession. It is not as if there was no other option. But there was! Which could have enabled him to possibly become an “instant” celebrity. Like viewers are wont these days to describe television journalists. If he had accepted the offer, he would have earned more money. But he turned it down. Choosing to listen to his heart. To stick to what he loved and enjoyed doing most.
His reason for such a “bizarre” or queer choice? He wanted to impact lives - in a more palpable and durable manner. To help improve lives and livelihoods through the messages he would share. Decades on, and though on retirement, his passion remains the same. He carries on with the same zeal and commitment of yesteryears. As if time had since not moved on. All because the passage of time has not affected his devotion to what might be termed a calling.
Essiakou Elhadj Saliou, 62, has seen it all. In State-run communication. After long years with the then Ministry of Information and Culture, Essiakou returned to school. He trained in the Advanced School of Mass Communication, ASMAC of the University of Yaounde I. Graduating in 1998 with an undergraduate Diploma in Journalism (as Assistant Journalist). In 2000, he went back to ASMAC to graduate in 2003 with a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism. He rose through the ranks...
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