Media Debates : Journalists, Guests Called To Order
- By Brenda YUFEH
- 17 juil. 2024 10:58
The call was made by the Senior Divisional Officer of the Mfoundi Division, Emmanuel Mariel Djikdent, yesterday July 16 at a press conference.
Some special guests invited to participate on certain radio and television debates have chosen to use such platforms to settle personal scores with government ministers or express their frustration in the name of freedom of expression. It is up to me, Emmanuel Mariel Djikdent,
Senior Divisional Officer of the Mfoundi Division to discipline some talk shows guests who want to take advantage of such media debates. Within this backdrop, the Senior Divisional Officer of the Mfoundi Division, yesterday July 16 during a consultation with media practitioners said this phenomenon must stop, guests have to be disciplined and enjoy freedom of expression responsibly because, nobody can ever be sure of guaranteeing freedom after a derogatory expression.
From State media to private media, Emmanuel Mariel Djikdent said these debates have become captivating and are being followed by many people. Unfortunately, he noted that everything is not all rosy. Noting that he is not out to teach journalists their job, he underlined that the media consultation seeks to recall the social responsibility of journalists and to set limits to the derogatory attitudes of their guests which create a major threat to peace and tranquillity in the Division. The Senior Divisional Officer imagined a situation where a child follows a programmme or a debate over the media and hears how a guest on set insults the in...
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