Breast, Cervical Cancers : Over 400 Women Screened

This was during a free campaign at CHRACERH yesterday, May 18, 2017.

Yaounde Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgery and Human Reproductive Teaching Hospital abbreviated CHRACERH, yesterday May 18, 2017 was unusually crowded with women from all walks of life. These women responded to the call for a free screening campaign for breast and cervical cancers. By 3:00 p.m. some 400 women from all walks of life had registered to undertake the screening. While some women were being screened, others could be seen entering the hospital premises to enrol and have themselves examined of some of those gynaecological cancers which are leading causes of deaths in the Cameron and the world at large.
The Administrator, General Manager of the Yaounde Reproductive Hospital, Professor Jean Marie Kasia, took time off to address the crowd of happy women who considered the opportunity a “golden one” from the First Lady of Cameroon who is the matron of the hospital. Prof Kasia told the women that screening is looking for cancer before a person has any symptoms. He stressed that breast cancer screening is all about palpating the breast for any abnormalities. Pr. Kasia told the women that after the breast cancer screening, they are going to learn how they can palpate their own breasts or teach their husbands, so that they can frequently touch the breasts for any abnormalities. While noting that cervical cancer is the easiest gynaecologic cancer to prevent, with regular screening tests and follow-up, the Administrator of CHRACERH and his team also took time to carry out a Pap test or smear on the women to look for cell changes on the cervix that might become cervical cancer if they are not properly treated. One of the experts at CHRACERH, Professor Jean Dupont Kemfang said the Pap test was carried out on all the women, mostly those between the ages of 25 to 65.
After collecting personal information on the family history of women who turned up for the screening, Pr Kemfang said their mobile numbers were collected, through which their laboratory results will be communicated. Those with negative results will not receive a call from the hospital. But those with positive results will be called for further examination and follow-up treatment at CHRACERH which is referred to as an excellent poll for cancer treatment in Cameroon.


Pr Jean-Marie Kasia : « Le gouvernement veut agir en amont »

Administrateur directeur général du Centre hospitalier de recherche appliquée en chirurgie endoscopique et reproduction humaine Paul et Chantal Biya (Chracerh).

Professeur, nous sommes au quatrième jour du premier workshop pour la santé de la femme en Afrique. Quel bilan pouvez-vous déjà faire de ces quatre jours de travaux ?
Vaste bilan. D’abord sur le plan scientifique, nous avons pu tenir notre programme réparti de sorte que tous les matins, il y ait des interventions chirurgicales qu’on faisait dans les blocs opératoires, trois au total. Ces blocs opératoires retransmettaient donc les interventions chirurgicales jusqu’à la salle de conférence par un système de visioconférence qui a permis aux apprenants de voir en direct comment lesdites interventions sont réalisées. Et il y avait une interactivité entre eux et nous : ils posaient toutes sortes de questions et il y avait des réponses instantanément. Les après-midis par contre étaient réservés aux communications et échanges d’expérience sur la fécondation in vitro, la cancérologie gynécologique et la chirurgie endoscopique. L’idée étant maintenant de pouvoir transformer toute la chirurgie gynécologique de la chirurgie à ventre ouvert à la chirurgie par endoscopie, c'est-à-dire par les petits trous. C’est vraiment le rendez-vous du donner et du recevoir. Ils ont eu aussi à apprendre de nous, parce que la même pathologie opérée ici sur les femmes noires ne se développe pas pareillement sur les femmes d’autres races.
Le dépistage gratuit des cancers féminins constitue l’autre articulation de cette semaine d’activité. Quel est l’intér&...



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