Emploi: l’ambassadeur de France chez le MINEFOP
- 24 nov. 2016 10:08
Il était question au cours d’une audience tenue jeudi dernier de passer en revue le secteur.
Le ministre de l'...
Culture du cacao: les producteurs ont leur manuel
- 24 nov. 2016 09:49
Ce guide de « bonnes pratiques culturales » va aider à booster la productivité et améliorer ainsi la qua...
PM Yang Gives Government Priorities
- 24 nov. 2016 08:39
Key actions include accelerating economic growth, organizing the Africa Cup of Nations 2019 and youth empowerment.
Taleb Rifai: "Tourism Need Innovative Ideas"
- 23 nov. 2016 17:18
The Secretary General of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation talks about his trip to Cameroon.
Ebogo Tourist Site: UN Tourism Official Marvels At Nature Gift
- 23 nov. 2016 17:14
A canoe ride on the Nyong River was the high point of Taleb Rifaï’s visit to some tourist sites in the Centre Region.
Council Resources: Raising, Securing Guides Available
- 23 nov. 2016 16:25
Regional seminars to popularise the guides were launched in Yaounde November 21, 2016.
Cameroon’s ...