Senate Scrutinises 2017 Finance Bill
- 04 déc. 2016 15:23
It was tabled in the plenary on December 3, 2016 after being adopted in the National National Assembly.
The 20...
La première centrale à énergie solaire est fonctionnelle
- 02 déc. 2016 17:52
L’équipement inauguré mardi 29 novembre à Ngang dans la Mefou-et-Afamba va permettre l’électrific...
Les cours du pétrole rebondissent
- 02 déc. 2016 17:51
Le baril de pétrole brut a augmenté de près de 10% mercredi après que l’OPEP a consenti à baisse...
Agro-industrial Technical Centre Created
- 02 déc. 2016 10:59
UNIDO has reiterated its pledge to disburse over FCFA 98 million as financial support.
A constituent assembly ...
Obama : A Fruitful Economic Milestone
- 02 déc. 2016 10:38
The outgoing US President focused his economic action on the 787 billion-dollar package approved by Congress in 2009.
Mining Sector: New Code Adopted
- 02 déc. 2016 10:31
The bill initiated on instructions of the President of the Republic was yesterday adopted in the National Assembly.