Petanque Tournament: Pouma Petanque Club Emerges As Winners

The 2018 season kicked off at the Presidential Guard Sports Complex in Yaounde recently.

The Yaounde Presidential Guard Sports Complex was the venue of the launch of the 2018 sports season for Petanque on Saturday March 10, 2018. Organised by the Cameroon Petanque Federation the competition brought together some 30 teams from across the country.


The athletes competed in four phases: the qualification phase, the quarter final, the semi-final and the final. For the final of the Super Consolant, GP Melen lost to Pouma Petanque Club 2-13.


Next was the final of the Consolant in which another team of Pouma Petanque club played against Camtel of Yaounde. Pouma still dominated and won with a score of 13-7.


The final of the Concours which is made up of teams that performed very well during the qualification stage were Perenko Petanque Club of Douala who played against Pouma Petanque Club. Pouma humiliated Perenko 13-1.


Present at the tournament were the first Vice President of the Petanque Federation Mbah Bernard and the representative of the Minister of Sports and Physical Education Biamou Bakoumou Paulinese.




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